Resolved -
We've had no further reports of this issue following the certificate update, and customers have indicated that they are back up and deploying. If you encounter any further issues, please email
Feb 12, 21:36 UTC
Monitoring -
We have updated the certificate chain on our host, which has resolved the verification issues. We are continuing to monitor the outcome of this change.
Feb 12, 16:32 UTC
Investigating -
We're investigating an issue with the v5 and below versions of the step 'Use Octopus CLI Tool' on build servers where customers are seeing the error 'unable to verify the first certificate'.
This is currently affecting customer deployments due to not being able to install the depreciated version of the OctoCLI.
The v6 versions of our ADO extension tasks do not require the OctoCLI so upgrading to our v6 steps will resolve this issue.
Resolved -
Two seperate recent changes were identified as causes of the excess memory use. These changes have been rolled back, and we have confirmed through monitoring that memory use has returned to normal on the affected instances. No further crashes terminations have been observed.
Feb 4, 03:07 UTC
Investigating -
Internal monitoring notified us that a small number of Octopus Cloud instances were terminated for excess memory use up to 12 hours after a recent a software upgrade. These instances were automatically restarted and resumed functioning correctly.
At this stage we are investigating to determine the cause of the excess memory use.
If you believe you are affected by this issue please contact
Jan 30, 07:24 UTC