The fix previously applied caused a mismatch to occur with AzureAD credentials for some users.
Steps to resolve: * Login with username/password via the "forgot password" function * Go to the Profile page: * "Remove" the "Organization account", then re-add it.
Following the resolution of the previous AzureAD sign-in issue we have had reports of some users receiving the following error when attempting to sign-in:
"Server Error - We're sorry, an unexpected error occurred whilst processing this request. Please try again later or contact support"
Our engineers are investigating, and we will provide updates.
Workaround: If you use this mechanism to log in, you can fall back to a username (your email) and a new password. You can follow the "forgot password" mechanism to set up a new password.
Posted May 05, 2023 - 10:25 UTC
This incident affected: / OctopusId and Octopus Cloud.