Octopus.com and Octopus ID maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance Report for Octopus Deploy
The scheduled maintenance is completed. If you are having issues connecting to any pages on octopus.com or signing into Octopus ID, please get in touch at support@octopus.com.
Posted Feb 02, 2023 - 23:01 UTC
We are verifying the connectivity issues have been resolved.
Posted Feb 02, 2023 - 22:54 UTC
In progress
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Feb 02, 2023 - 22:30 UTC
We will be doing further testing and maintenance on Octopus.com and Octopus ID to attempt to resolve connectivity issues in certain regions.

We are expecting customers in certain regions to have intermittent issues connecting to the /docs, /blog and /signin pages.

As a workaround for /docs and /blog, change the url in the address bar from octopus.com to www.octopus.com. For example: https://octopus.com/docs should become https://www.octopus.com/docs

For /signin, you may be able to work around this by using a VPN to locate yourself in a different region (such as west USA)
Posted Feb 02, 2023 - 22:04 UTC
This scheduled maintenance affected: Octopus.com / OctopusId and Control Center (billing.octopus.com).